The Power of the Right Question: That Time I Quit My Job

In early 2004, I felt ready for a change in my life. I did not see opportunity for growth with my employer. I wanted to earn more money. I wanted […]
The End of the Road

You never know where the power of the right question might take you. I use the word “where” on purpose, because there are times it’s not about the what or […]
The Magic of Sisterhood

In coaching, I support my clients to create change in their lives, careers, and/or organizations. Sometimes we choose change and sometimes it happens regardless of our choice. For example: Aging. […]
The Magic of Purpose

pur·pose /ˈpərpəs/ noun 1. the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. verb 1. have as one’s intention or objective. Entrepreneurs, coaches, and executives […]
You Can’t Wait until Life Isn’t Hard to Get Yourself Some Happiness

I do not watch America’s Got Talent, although I am familiar with the format and have a soft spot for Simon Cowell from American Idol’s early days. But a video […]
Feeling the Passion to Quiet My Chatty Kathy Companion, Fear

This week, I have some business things I want to do. I love my work, and I’m excited to form some new coaching groups and create more community around the […]
Friday Musing: Patience

The past few weeks I have been pondering patience, which does not come naturally to me. I sometimes feel and act like Veruka Salt. I want the squirrel (or the […]
The Power of the Right Question: Possibility
In my junior year of college at the University of Florida, I learned a valuable lesson about breaking rules, consequences, and the power of the right question. I worked as […]
Invitation: The Powerful Pivot

Last week, I took a moment to envision what The Powerful Pivot would feel like to me, and what I want it to feel like for the group members. As […]
Stepping Six Feet Back: How COVID-19 Reminded Me Stepping Back is Often the First Step Forward

As Californians began sheltering in place the week of March 19, 2020, I heard friends and colleagues excited about what they might do with this unexpected free time. Tackling business […]
The Power of Possibility

pos·si·bil·i·ty (pä-sə-ˈbi-lə-tē): a chance that something may happen or be true a thing that may be chosen or done out of several alternatives the state or fact of being likely […]